Confession: We haven’t finished the interior of the Cabin. The main problem has been how to create a sliding ‘barn’ type door for the bathroom. But the arrival of a special package is going to be a ‘curtain raiser’ for us!
I don’t like to commit to an idea or design until I feel very certain about it. I knew I wanted/needed a sliding ‘barn’ type door for the bathroom in the Cabin but all of the nice hardware for sliding doors is either horrendously expensive or horrendously utilitarian looking. We have some nice old ledged and braced doors that came with Easterdown, but only now has the right solution emerged!
I found these on the internet and imported them from Canada. This wonderful website advertises these and a DIY of how to install. But I had no idea they would arrive in such a beautiful and personal package – Love the Message!
And what’s inside?
This is one of the 4 doors that we found in the barn at Easterdown. OK, Mike Roberts is using it as a cutting table for his chop saw right now, but that will just add to the shabby chic. Well, the shabby, anyway.
This is the rather shameful curtain that will be replaced with our chic door.
This is Lynne Knowlton’s inspiring tutorial page. She gets these wheels made up and sells them to like-minded people. In other words, people who don’t want to extend their mortgages just to have a great looking door. Thank you Lynne!
Meanwhile, outside, the cladding is going on. It is amazing how quickly the main part of the house and the cabin become one!
All looking pretty good!
And Mo – Looking pretty good! The house nearly looks like a whole house and Mo nearly looks like a … (Apologies to all of my cat loving friends)
(If you want to see how we installed those wheels and the door – click here: )
Wow!! LOVE your post and THANK YOU for the sharing the wheels. I am so happy that you love them! Aren’t they pretty in real life? Yesssss.
I would lurve it if you left a review on my site where the wheels are listed. http://www.lynneknowlton.com/product/buy-wood-wheels/
I’d be über grateful!!
Big love!
Lynne xx
Merry Christmas Vickie & Mike. The progress looks really great. i must come & see you in the new year some time when i am down that way again. Happy Christmas & a happy prosperous new year to both of you. Cheers Steve Linzell.