Telephone and Internet installed yesterday. Didn’t expect to feel quite so different, but now that the telephone is in and the place is warm and cosy, I want to start living there. RIGHT NOW!
First call ever on the landline at Easterdown was returning a call (made to my mobile) from the top person at The Specialist Cheesemakers – Tim Jones of Lincolnshire Poacher fame. (what did he want with little me?)
Even though I didn’t win the Dougal Campbell Bursary – an award which would give mentoring and connections to specialists, he had rung to tell me how impressed the SCA were with my application and with what I’m hoping to do at Easterdown.
I felt myself welling up, not because of any disappointment, but at such great kindness. As far as my own ambitions go, this vote of confidence from them means I have won anyway! The SCA have lots of successful, wonderful cheesemakers and they didn’t need to contact me. Besides telling him how much I like Lincolnshire Poacher, his own cheese, I told him that my only regret was thinking how much easier it would have been to find the people who can help mentor me, had I won the award – but he has confirmed that the Specialist Cheesemakers will itself be that great resource to find the people to answer my questions.
I have been in awe of the SCA for years and joined as soon as I started making cheese. These brave people are solely responsible for ensuring that raw milk cheeses can still be made in the UK. They alone are the reason that we aren’t stuck with horrible, industrialised, boring tasting cheese on our shelves (except for continental european cheeses which ARE made with raw milk).
How could the first call at Easterdown on our brand new landline be any better!
Openreach reaches!
Pete the great BT Openreach engineer. Nice guy who got the phone under the drive and into the secure part of our barn.
And moments later, Generator on, BT Hub goes blue, Peter gives us the thumbs up and Mike goes online. Off Grid but on the net!