Unbelievably, we are pretty much on schedule!
Last weekend we started putting the roofing sheets on our log store. By Wednesday it was finished. But the main event we were anticipating was the arrival of our clay blocks!
We chose Porotherm rather than other engineered clay block systems because if you buy Porotherm, you get Steve Linzell. Steve lays the first course (the only really difficult bit) and teaches us how to do the easy bits.
He wanted to supervise the first delivery of blocks. Get them in the best possible position for access while we lay them.
While we waited for the blocks to arrive, Steve taught Mike how to cut a block. Not a clay block, by the way!
But very quickly, they arrived!
Steve guides the pallets – the personal touch! Expert guidance while they were unloaded.
So that afternoon we had time to catch Septimo, the foundations cat and take him to our local vet.
Here she is manipulating his crushed leg. He cannot feel a thing in that leg.
We are full of admiration for this tough young tomcat who has lived at Easterdown for 5 weeks, feeding himself quite happily with only the use of 3 legs. But the dead leg must go and the RSPCA have offered to share the cost of the operation with us. Operation is next Friday. After that, he will live out his days at Easterdown.
On Thursday Steve laid the first course of blocks. Even had time to show us how to make a corner.
At the end of the day, our house at Easterdown is going to be gorgeous. Lots of hard work ahead!
Yay! You did keep the cat
Yes and while I still don’t like cats, I have a lot of respect for ‘Mo. I don’t think you ‘keep’ a cat like ‘Mo. He’s made his place here and we look out for each other.